Many manufacturers are embracing a cluster of new technologies (called SMAC for short) to drive increased growth and revenue. SMAC is short for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud. The SMAC stack technology toolkit is driving higher customer engagement and growth opportunities. The SMAC innovations are driving older manufacturers to become early adopters leading to increased efficiencies and sales.
It’s all about leveraging multiple advanced technology trends to the fullest advantage. Social media is now well entrenched throughout society so all businesses can improve their brand and sales by capitalizing on this trend. The growth of ‘always on’ mobile devices in every hand is accelerating buying patterns which improves product visibility. Big Data analytics enable improved business decision making by forging a competitive differentiator. Cloud-hosted technology helps reallocate capital budgets previously used for computers back into innovation initiatives or much needed factory floor improvements.
The convergence of these technologies has been embraced in many Vermont manufacturers eager to crunch data, tap into improved collaboration and gain better insights resulting in efficiency gains. SMAC technologies have put manufacturers front and center in the marketplace and will transform how manufacturing is structured and executed. The convergence of cloud, mobile, social and Big Data will foster optimized operations and sales resulting in the development of new relevant offerings to secure a strong industry position.