With Canopy Select, NPI handles the vital core and back-end work on your technology — freeing your staff to keep doing what they do best.
If your IT staff is stretched and stressed by day-to-day issues, the vital core tasks often get neglected — and that can lead to trouble.
With Canopy Select, we free your in-house staff to leverage their knowledge of your business by meeting end-user needs, evaluating, selecting, and supporting your key applications, and customizing your processes and workflows.
We look after and maintain the back-end foundation of your technology systems, taking care of what end users don’t see.
That includes preserving data, maintaining firewalls and security, providing antivirus for file servers, keeping systems and support contracts up to date, tracking licenses and warranties, monitoring remote backup to ensure business continuity, providing after-hours and vacation coverage, and delivering tech help 24/7.
At far lower cost to you than hiring in-house expertise, Canopy Select keeps your system humming and your security air-tight. We work every day to prevent the big headaches — costly repairs, unexpected failures, lost productivity, security breaches, frustrated staff and exasperated customers.
We provide Canopy Select services in ways you’ll hardly notice … and that’s how it should be. But when you need us, we’re always right there.
We’re a pretty heavy IT-usage company and we’ve been growing, so we don’t want to be relying on insufficient or outdated infrastructure. They make sure we have the hardware that fits us now, and that can allow us to grow. They’re providing IT services that we previously performed in-house, giving our internal IT staff more time to focus on what they do best.
Mike Winchell, Vice President, Stone Environmental, a Montpelier, Vermont environmental services firm
We approach our client relationships, and any projects that result, as a collaboration.
You will always know what we recommend and why. You’ll know what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. That’s the NPI way.